The found introduced in this page deals about an innovative stapler that, if there is the need, can remove, thanks to a sophisticated internal mechanism, also the previous applicated stitches, all this mechanism acts simply on a small external chooser that rotates. As we know, the usual commercial staplers can easily be used to position some metallic stitches that can sew togheter some sheets or others pieces with the same characteristics but these ones, can not be used absolutely to remove them. The main problem consists in that there are two separated accessores, and being separated, they can be easily lost. It happens that, very often, the person who wants to staple doesn’t find the stapler or vice versa, a person who wants to remove them, doesn’t detect the remove stitch. Fortunately, thanks to the M. El Barji Abdelhak’s clever found, a man from Morocco who lives in Italy from many years, all these pestering unforseen difficulties will be definitively overcome. At this specific aim, in fact, a particolar tool with a grab which contains both, has been elaborated. The patented system has been made with pieces and technolgies that already exist so, it will be very simple to produce it having small production costs. The inventor, to a pure demonstrative scope, has provided to realize a
SMALL INTRODUCTION VIDEO. If therefore you are interested to this genial system and if you desire to receive some more detailed information, call us at the telephone numbers at the end of the page or write us using the appropriate
ELECTRONIC FORM. Finally we remember the navigators, that all the published inventions of this site are patented. Any partial or total plagiarism of the things or objects that are reproduced in photos or drawings, will come, according to the law, pursued both in Italy and in all the foreign states. The text is instead protected by copyright which prohibits its total or partial reproduction.