The described accessory, as shown by the drawings, concerns a particular inflatable pillow, with two elastic structures and their relative supplied straps, to put on the seats of the bicycles so that to improve and to make more comforting the driver’s session. The riders, as well we know, after a long ride, besides the known benefits, they often have some annoying pains due by the momentary block of the blood circulation in the delicate genital area. Such trauma, if prolonged for a lot of time, can create serious troubles to the reproductive apparatus up to extreme consequences like sterility and even impotence. Luckily, thanks to Mr. Giuliano Gallotta, these disagreeable incidents will be solved in a definitive way considering that it has planned and subsequently patented a particular article having unique characteristics. The manufactured article in matter has particular inflatable zones, made of un-allergic rubber or of other appropriate technical material, to be adapted to the bicycles seats so that to optimize its sitting. The introduced found results of easy realization considering that constructive systems already in use and thanks to its easy-design, you can save on the sale price
specially if it is produced in China or Romania where the manpower is decidedly cheap. If therefore you are interested to this futuristic sportive item and if you desire to receive some more detailed information, call us at the telephone numbers at the end of the page or write us using the appropriate
ELECTRONIC FORM. The inventor, to demonstrative purpose, has realized a
VIRTUAL ANIMATION of the invention to show to eventual purchaser companies, that they will be able therefore to test its exceptional potentialities. The invitation is also orientated to investors, partners financiers, distributors. Finally we remember the navigators, that all the published inventions of this site are patented. Any partial or total plagiarism of the things or objects that are reproduced in photos or drawings, will come, according to the law, pursued both in Italy and in all the foreign states. The text is instead protected by copyright which prohibits its total or partial reproduction.