Unfortunately, as we all know, lying in bed for a long time, at the hospital or at home, causes after few weeks the bedsores, whose wounds are very painful and hard to treat. All this is because the normal mattress heaps up warmth, which is not dispersed because it is kept by the thermal action of the blanket, and on summer though we are not covered, the warmth is heaped up between the mattress and our body. This new mattress promises, as the inventor said, to solve this dramatic problem forever. In fact, its new conformation let the body lie on the surface, reducing the supporting point of 60%, without any mechanical or electric device. As showed by the picture, all this can be only because of its special net-weft as if the spring mattress and the mattress were all together. If we analyze the picture of the inside section, we can see a steel hawser joined to the chase that gives rigidity to the mattress, acting as a net, while the outside hawser is completely wrapped with a gum lactic layer which gives all the surface a necessary softness, all covered by a spongy tissue. Thank to this special conformation the body won’t "boil", but it will transpire correctly. Its use is simple, between the patient and the mattress there will be only a sheet which will permit the device to have a perfect air circulation, so the patient moving of few cm won’t have always the same body side rested on the mattress and won’t have anymore the bed-sores. Do not neglect also the psychological aspect this device can have on the patient, gaining many advantages also for a fast recovery. This patent is very simple to produce and it can be sealed with competitive prize. So if you are interested in this clever and useful invention and you wish to have more detailed information, you can contact us at our telephone numbers indicated at the end of the page or you can write us using the appropriate ELETTRONIC FORM. The inventor is preparing a functional prototype to show to possible buyer companies, which will test the exceptional potential of this extraordinary and out-coming handmade. We remind readers that all the published prototypes in this site are patented. Any partial or total plagiarism of the objects reproduced in the pictures or in the drawings will be persecuted in accordance with Italian Law and in all the foreign countries. All the texts are instead protected from the copyright.