With the development of Internet and information technologies, a new world to be explored has come out. These new technologies are even particularly useful to alleviate sufferings of the handicapped: as a matter of fact, by using them, they have at their disposal a great means to enjoy themselves and communicate with other people. In order to help the most serious handicapped persons, in practice those who are completely paralysed, Rino Sebastiani has designed and realized a revolutionary and very special mouse to be worn at the neck. It’s very easy to wear, it’s indeed sufficient to fix it at the neck by means of a special elastic band and you can start using it. Once you have worn it, just with a little movement of your head or shoulders, you will press the right or left key of the mouse, and with your chin you will make the ball rotate and the cursor move on the screen. This particular interface, even if designed for the serious disabled, is useful for traditional users as well: they could use this particular type of mouse alternating it to the "standard" one and, thanks to its simple and restful use, it would lessen the risks of pains to the joints of hands and wrists. An aspect not to be overlooked is the psychological effect of the "independence" deriving from the constant use of this futuristic device for communication and enjoyment. The inventor is asking, if possible and considering the humanitarian importance of this accessory, for the collaboration of public corporations, as well as individuals, to the development of this extraordinary device. If you are interested in this futuristic and useful invention and wish to receive further information, contact us at our telephone numbers indicated at the end of the page or you can write us using the appropriate ELECTRONIC FORM. The inventor is preparing handmade prototypes in order to show them to potential buyers who could so test the outstanding performance of this extraordinary patent. We remind readers that all the published prototypes in this site are patented. Any partial or total plagiarism of the objects reproduced in the pictures or in the drawings will be persecuted in accordance with Italian Law and in all the foreign countries. All the texts are instead protected by copyright.