From the extraordinary world of the ideas a sensational invention has arrived that will certainly fascinate all of the lovers of the games of tactic. From always the chess were seen like an impossible game to change, not adapt therefore to eventual structural alterations. Different from the usual frivolous and carefree game the chess is a pastime that it pledges the mind in tactical moves always different between them, but it is simply a game that from centuries, if not evenn millennia, it is remaied the same. For someone is therefore arrived the time to give a substantial modernisation to this tactical masterpiece of strategy, adding tridimensionality to all the complex. In fact, instead of the normal chessboard plain, they are some blocks of wood of different height giving so a touch of extreme originality to the game, complicating the visibility of the pieces. The rules are precisely the same of the traditional chess, but thanks to this brilliant alteration, to see them correctly it will be a lot more difficult, making everything a lot more complicated and fascinating! With this special chessboard it is possible also to play lady, and its building refinement makes it a truly art work that absolutely should not be lacking in our houses. If you are interested in this brilliant and useful invention and if you want to receive some more detailed information, you can contact us at our telephone numbers indicated at the end of the page or you can write us using the appropriate
ELECTRONIC FORM. The inventor has prepared some effective prototypes regularly working to show to eventual firms buyers, that will be able to test the exceptional potentialities of this extraordinary tactical game. We remember to the navigators, that all of the prototypes published in this site are patented. Any plagiarism partial either total of the objects reproduced in the photograph or in the drawings, will be persecuted to rule of law either in Italy that in all the foreign states. All the texts are instead protected by copyright.